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Our Clients Speak For Themselves
Our clients are usually small business owners who want to grow their business, however, they usually do not have a senior marketing person on their staff nor do they have access to a professional advertising agency.

We serve clients in both product and service categories. The breadth of our client base is illustrated by a review of clients we have recently served:

- a medical weight loss clinic
- an executive search firm
- a door-to-door community marketing service
- a start-up law firm
- a construction company
- a leading provider of electronic medical records for medical practices
- a company specializing in the management of temporary labor
- a marketer of athletic socks to both the running and outdoor markets

While our clients represent diverse products and/or services, they share a dilemma: “what do we say to our customers to motivate them to buy?”

If some of these “before” comments provided below resonate with you, then we have the basis for working together. Contact us, so we can explore how we can help you resolve your marketing dilemma, as we’ve done for these clients:

Situation: A company specializing in the management of temporary labor. They were often confused with “temporary staffing” companies. They had a meaningful benefit, but it was buried in all the detail of their communications.

ngroup screenshotBefore: We lacked a cohesive approach and needed help with our message. We thought we knew what we wanted to say, but we weren’t sure what people were hearing. We couldn’t figure out why our sales progress was not as successful as we had hoped. We knew our service, but we couldn’t get others to appreciate its value.

After: I really liked your systematic approach. I felt comfortable with the strategic process…it made sense. Now we have a coherent message that is meaningful to potential customers. It strikes a chord with the people we work with. Our new message, in conjunction with our improved sales training, has made a positive impact on our sales.

Jim Zimmerman
COO, nGroup

To judge for yourself, visit:


Situation: A new business venture involving a door-to-door direct sales concept to promote local businesses. The client had the idea, but was unclear on what to call it and also how to convey the benefits to local businesses.

Discover Our TownBefore: I was excited and eager to get this new business started, but I had so many ideas running through my head…I wasn’t sure where to start and what to say.

After: I’ve always admired your ability to think outside-the-box. Your creative direction was clean and easy to understand. You really helped me crystallize my thoughts on how to convey our message to our target audience. Now we’re successfully up and running. Thanks!

Dennis McGarry
CEO, Discover Our Town

To judge for yourself, visit:


Situation: A successful executive search firm, however, they lacked focus and had no systemic approach to new business development.

BBA ScreenBefore: We felt on edge. We knew we needed to do something different, but we weren’t sure what to do to move us to the next level. Admitting that we needed/wanted help was a break-through. We were feeling confused and overwhelmed, too. We needed some fresh ideas and a kick in the pants!

After: You gave us a clear, strategic direction, helping us define our core categories…now we’re much more focused. Our new message reflects our competency. Now it’s much easier for us to talk to others about our firm. You’ve also helped us make a habit out of proactive business development. When we have our monthly meetings with you, we get another shot in the arm!

Stephen Bernhardt, Gilbert Browne
Bernhardt Browne & Associates

To judge for yourself, visit:

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Kothe Marketing Consulting.
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